Hagþenkir Award 2016


Hagþenkir,  the Association of Non-fiction and Educational Writers in Iceland conferred on Wednesday 1 March it´s special award for academic work of outstanding quality  at a ceremony in the National Library to Viðar Hreinsson for the book Jón lærði og náttúrur náttúrunnar (Jon the Learned and the natures of nature), published by Lesstofan in cooperation with the Icelandic Museum of Natural History.

The resolution words of the Accreditation Council said: the author writes with sensitivity about the adventurous life of a man on the verge of antiquity and modernity in the context of European history of science.

The award consists of a signed document and one million Icelandic crowns, the same amount as granted for the Icelandic Literature prize.

Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson and Steindór Andersen performed at the ceremony a part of the Snjáfjallavísur rhymes that  Jon Gudmundsson the Learned composed in 1611 and 1612 to suppress a ghost at Snæfjöll on Snæfjallaströnd.



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