The 50th anniversary of the Women's History Archives and the Women's Year


Iceland's Women's History Archives was founded on January 1, 1975 by three women: Anna Sigurðardóttir, Elsa Mia Einarsdóttir and Svanlaug Baldursdóttir. It was founded in Anna's home, on the fourth floor of a block at Hjarðarhagi 26 in Reykjavík, and she worked there as the director of the Women's History Archives for 20 years. Thus, there 50 years hve passed since the foundation of the Archives. Throughout the year 2025, the 50th anniversary of the Women's History Archives will be celebrated, which is also the 50th anniversary of the Women's Year 1975 and Women's Holiday.

Founding documents of the Women's History Archives are now on display at the Library.



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