Exhibition in the National Library

21.08.2020 - 20.09.2020

JAÐARLÖND | BORDERLANDS is an exhibition organized by ARKIR Book Arts Group in cooperation with the Reykjavík Art Festival. The exhibition is open from August 21 and runs until September 20.

Borderlands is an exhibition of book art by 16 artists from seven countries. The title of the exhibition refers to the peripheries of the world; in the context of world history, the periphery is ever fickle and subject to change. As we head towards an era of imminent natural and human transformation, peripheral areas will be drawn into focus. In their diverse works, the artists explore various perspectives on territories and borders, text and language, nature and culture.

The exhibition was initiated by ARKIR Book Arts Group, which has operated since 1998 and held a number of book exhibitions in Iceland and overseas. The group has invited a select group of international guests to join in, adding work from the UK, USA, Denmark, Norway, Poland and Lithuania.




Previous exhibitions
Hallgrímur Pétursson (finished)

Hallgrímur Pétursson (finished)

Exhibition in the National Library

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Vögguvísa by Elías Mar

Vögguvísa by Elías Mar

Exhibition in the National Library

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