- kr. 75.000
- kr. 45.000
- kr. 35.000
- hidden
- 1 month
- 1 month with computer
- Winter | Summer
- kr. 15.000 | 12.000
- kr. 18.000 | 15.000
- Annual fee
- Overdues, daily fine
- Ordinary book
- Audio-visual collection
- Study books collection
- Unreturned book and is handed over to the collection agency Motus
- Damaged or lost book
- kr. 3.000
- hidden
- kr. 70
- kr. 650
- kr. 650
- Minimum charge kr. 10.000
- Minimum charge kr. 10.000
- A book from a Nordic country*
- A book from a non-Nordic country*
- A book from an Icelandic library*
- A copy of an article 1-20 pages*
- A copy of an article > 21 pages*
- Borrower also pays postal rates
- Damaged or lost book
- kr. 3.800
- kr. 5.300
- kr. 2.300
- kr. 3.300
- kr. 5.000
- Minimum charge kr. 10.000
- Copy cards sold at the service desk
- 5 units
- 20 units
- 60 units
- 100 units
- Deposit paid for each card is kr. 1.000
- kr. 125
- kr. 500
- kr. 1.500
- kr. 2.500
- hidden
- Copying from manuscripts and works in the Icelandic National Collection
- Digital reproduction and publication on the web
- for timarit.is - per page
- for bækur.is - per page
- Inspection and assessment - registration and labeling - disposal
- Basic fee (2 hours)
- Hourly payment
- Difficult material, extra charge
- Disposal
- kr. 15.000
- kr. 9.400
- kr. 2.000
- According to Sorpa's tariff
- Basic fee (2 hours)
- Hourly payment
- Bibliographic cataloguing
*Students and staff at the University of Iceland get a 50% discount.
**The University of Iceland pays for teachers’ and students’ library cards.