House rules


  • On the 2nd floor are facilities for individuals and groups. Quiet conversations are allowed but no phone calls.
  • The 1st, 3rd and 4th floor are completely silent work spaces.
  • It is not permitted to reserve reading tables. If a table has not been in use for one hour or longer the staff is allowed to clear it.
  • According to a contract with the University of Iceland its students have priority access to reading tables which are labelled so on the 3rd and 4th floor during exam time.
  • Guests are reminded to take care of their belongings. The library takes no responsibility for people's personal belongings.


  • Library guests must conduct themselves in a tidy manner, follow rules and show respect.
  • Consumption of food is only allowed in the Háma cafeteria on the 2nd floor.
    Guests must leave the tables neat and tidy.
  • Drinks are allowed in closed containers in the reading areas on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor.
  • Smoking, including electronic cigarettes and vapes, is prohibited in the library, as is all use of alcohol and narcotics.


  • The library should be a safe place for guests and staff.
  • Guests and staff must be treated with politeness and respect.
  • Harassment, aggressive and violent behaviour towards guests and/or staff members is not tolerated and can result in expulsion from the library.

Library staff have the right to enforce these rules and request any person to leave the premises who violates the library's rules.


Please introduce yourself by adding name and email.

The chat is open 9:00 - 16:00 on weekdays.

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