Sigfús Blöndal´s dictionary

Exhibition in the National Library

02.10.2020 - 15.11.2020

An Icelandic-Danish dictionary by Sigfús Blöndal was published in the years 1920−1924 and is now commemorated with an exhibition in the National Library when a century has passed since it was first published. The dictionary is a key work in Icelandic dictionary history and is one of the largest Icelandic dictionaries ever compiled. Sigfús Blöndal worked on the dictionary for many years with his wife, Björg Þorláksdóttir Blöndal. They lived in Copenhagen during the project. A number of collaborators were involved in compiling the dictionary. Grants for the work and the publication came from Danish funds, as well as the Danish and Icelandic governments.

In 2016, a decision was made to make the Icelandic-Danish dictionary accessible on the web. The dictionary is over a thousand pages, all of which have been read aloud, reviewed and the text made searchable. The publisher of the electronic version is the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. The project is funded by the Icelandic-Danish Dictionary Fund.

Brochure in Icelandic

Icelandic-Danish dictionary by Sigfús Blöndal


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Exhibition in the National Library

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