Thorbjørn Egner – 100 years

Exhibition in the National Library

The National and University Library of Iceland commemorates the 100 years anniversary of Norwegian playwright Thorbjørn Egner (12 December 1912 – 24 December 1990) with an exhibition in cooperation with The National Theatre of Iceland, The Theatre Museum of Iceland, The National Library of Norway and the Embassy of Norway in Iceland. Thorbjørn Egner was a songwriter and illustrator known for his books, plays and musicals for children. He grew up in a working class neighbourhood in Oslo and his breakthrough was on the nationally broadcast children's radio show in Norway in the beginning of the 1950s. Egner is particularly known for his books Karius og Baktus (1949), Klatremus og de andre dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen (1953) and Folk og røvere i Kardemommeby (1955, translated 1976). The latter two were made into successful musicals. He also illustrated his own books. Egner´s plays and books have been very popular in Iceland since the late 50´s and he designed himself sets and costumes for his plays on stage in The National Theatre of Iceland.

Further information on the website of The National Library of Norway:


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