Steingrímur Thorsteinsson (finished)

Exhibition in the National Library

An exhibition has been opened on poet Steingrímur Thorsteinsson commemorating the 100th anniversary of his death. Thorsteinsson was born at Arnarstapi in Snæfellsnes May 19th 1831 and died August 21st 1913. He is recognized as one of Iceland´s national poets. He was a follower of Jón Sigurðsson in his battle for national freedom in the 19th century. Thorsteinsson was a prolific translator and his translation of the Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Night) is one of his most remarkable works.  Thorsteinsson lived in Copenhagen for about two decades. In 1872 he moved to Iceland and became a teacher and later headmaster at the college Lærði skólinn.

Thorsteinsson with his son, Bjarni, around 1872. National Museum of Iceland.

Painting of Thorsteinsson by Sigurður Guðmundsson. National Museum of Iceland.

Lydia Wilstrup, Thorsteinsson´s first wife.

Thorsteinsson with his second wife, Birgitta Guðríður Eiríksdóttir, and their children Haraldur and Þórunni around 1900. National Museum of Iceland.



Previous exhibitions
Eylenda Musings (finished)

Eylenda Musings (finished)

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Bibliotek Nordica

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Edda II - The Lives of the Gods by Jón Leifs

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Christmas cards and New Year's cards from the first half of the 20th Century

Christmas cards and New Year's cards from the first half of the 20th Century

Exhibition in the National Library

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