Translations of Icelandic literature

Exhibition in the National Library

A small exhibition with translated books by Arnaldur Indriðason and Auður Ava Ólafsóttir has been set up at the library. Works by these authors have been very popular abroad during the past years.

Arnaldur has written 17 novels, all of which are thrillers. The novels have been translated into several languages and been well received, especially in  Germany. Over 10 million copies of his novels have been sold and they have been on top of bestsellers lists in many European countries and other places; for instance he has had books on the top list in Svalbard and the Cook Islands. Arnaldur received the The Glass Key Award in 2002 for Tainted blood (Mýrin), a literature award given annually to a crime novel by an author from the Nordic countries. He received this award again in 2003 for Silence of the grave (Grafarþögn). In 2005 Arnaldur received for the English edition of Silence of the grave  the respected British award, The Gold Dagger, an award given annually by the Crime Writers' Association. He has also obtained the Grand Prix Littèrature Policiére in France, the Swedish Martin Beck Award for Voices (Röddin) and the American Barry Award for The Draining Lake (Kleifarvatn) along with some other awards. In 2013 he  received the international literature award Premio RBA de novela negra for Shadow Channel (Skuggasund).

Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir is a lecturer in art at the University of Iceland and was for a while the curator of The University of Iceland Art Collection. She received the Tómas Guðmundsson Literary Prize in 2004, the DV Cultural Award in 2008 and was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2009. Her works have been translated into many languages and the novel Rosa Candida (Afleggjarinn) drew a lot of attention in France in 2010.


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