Guðjón Samúelsson by Pétur H. Ármannsson

Hagþenkir Award 2020

Exhibition in the National Library

09.03.2021 - 20.09.2021

Hagþenkir, the Association of Non-fiction and Educational Writers in Iceland, conferred on 9 March it´s special award for academic work of outstanding quality. This year, Pétur H. Ármannsson received the award for his book about architect Guðjón Samúelsson.

The Accreditation Council says about the book: : "It does not go unnoticed by anyone who scrolls through this book and reads it that this is an extremely elaborate work, truly based on" extensive and high-quality research and a deep understanding of the subject." On this occasion, a small exhibition has been set up in the National library. 


Previous exhibitions

The Institute of History at the University of Iceland - 50th anniversary

Exhibition in the National Library

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Hagþenkir Award 2017

Hagþenkir Award 2017

Exhibition in the National Library

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Jón Árnason – 200 years

Jón Árnason – 200 years

Exhibition in the National Library

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