Parishes in Iceland

Exhibition in the National Library

05.03.2020 - 20.09.2020

Björk Ingimundardóttir received the Hagþenkir special award the for academic work of outstanding quality 2019 for a book in two volumes about parishes in Iceland called Prestaköll, sóknir og prófastsdæmi á Íslandi I-II, published by the National Archives of Iceland.  The Accreditation Council says about the book: "A comprehensive reference book with maps that facilitate an overview of the country's history and are useful in many long-term studies. A great historical work. ” The award was granted by Hagþenkir's chairman, Svanhildur Kr. Sverrisdóttir. Ragnheiður Ólafsdóttir performed music at the ceremony. On this occasion, a small exhibition has been set up in the National library displaying, among other things, manuscripts from the National Archives used for the compilation of the book; a visitation book from the East Fjords, a book on the church at Nes in Aðaldalur and a map showing parishes in Vestur-Landeyjar and a part of Hvolhreppur in Rangárvallasýsla county in 1767. A small exhibition has  been opened in the library on this occasion with documents from the  National Archives of Iceland. 


Previous exhibitions
Edda II - The Lives of the Gods by Jón Leifs

Edda II - The Lives of the Gods by Jón Leifs

Exhibition in the National Library

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Guðjón Samúelsson by Pétur H. Ármannsson

Guðjón Samúelsson by Pétur H. Ármannsson

Exhibition in the National Library

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The visual heritage of Sigmundur Guðmundsson

The visual heritage of Sigmundur Guðmundsson

Exhibition in the National Library

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