
The Library offers a variety of services for its users, both in the library building (Þjóðarbókhlaða) and on the web.

Select a service or choose a category:

  • All
  • Libraries
  • Faculty at UI
  • Students at UI
  • Publishers
  • Library orientation
    and instruction
  • Doctoral students

Access for disabled people

Information about accessibility for disabled people in the library, click here.


Acquisition suggestion

The Library is in charge of the acquisitions of works from the Acquisition Fund of the University of Iceland. Students, scholars and other users of the Library can also make suggestions.

Book a Group Study Room at the National and University Library of Iceland

Group Study Rooms are on 3rd and 4th floor. The rooms are for groups of 3-10 people. Please note the minimum occupancy for each room is three persons.

Cataloguing in Gegnir

Staff members of libraries can send in a question to gegnir (hja) on different things related to cataloguing in Gegnir in general. The Gegnir-email is not only for staff of the libraries, since everybody, whether in Iceland or abroad can send in a question or a suggestion for improvements.

Cataloguing services

The Library specialists catalogues library material for smaller libraries where acquisition is limited. This includes classification, cataloguing and linking into Gegnir. Library material can also have spine labels attached if requested. Further information and questions contact  (hja)


Books and other materials are circulated from the service desks on the 2nd and 4th floors. On second floor there is also a self-service machine. The circulation period is 30 days in general. Some material is circulated for a shorter period, e.g. material from the Course reserves on the 4th floor. Teachers at the University of Iceland can request to have material from Course reserves on loan for shorter periods. Movies are rented for 3 days. If material is not available in the Library, it is possible to order it from another library with interlibrary loans, for a fee. Students and staff of the UI receive a 50% discount of this service. All shall be returned to the service desk on the 2nd floor. See brochures on circulation and interlibrary loans.


On 1st floor in the Reading Room of the Icelandic National Collection: Access to the Internet and Office programmes. Passwords given at the service desk.
On 2nd floor opposite the service desk: Access to the Internet and Office programmes. Passwords given at the service desk.
On the 3rd floor: For students and staff of the University of Iceland. 
On the 4th floor: For students and staff of the University of Iceland.

Computers for searching are on all floors.

Course reserves

Teachers at the University of Iceland can reserve material from the library collection, borrow material from other libraries and/or have material from private collections made available in the Course reserves for teaching of special courses. Material in the Course reserves is either available for use in the Library or circulated for one to fourteen days. The Course reserves is located on the 3rd floor of the Library (Þjóðarbókhlaða). Information about the Course reserves can also be found in the Course reserves LibGuide and in our brochure. For further information contact namsbokasafn (hja) or by telephone 525 5781.

Course reserves for students of the University of Iceland

The Course reserves is located on the 3rd floor of the Library (Þjóðarbókhlaða). Books and other materials in Course reserves can be used either in the Library or borrowed for one to fourteen days. Students are encouraged to find out whether teachers of a particular course use the Course reserves to facilitate access to textbooks, supplementary material and articles on the reading list. Information about the Course reserves can be found in the Course reserves LibGuide. For further information contact namsbokasafn (hja) or by telephone 525 5781.

Declaration of access to final thesis – form

In addition to a copy of the final thesis, the student shall submit to Skemman  an digital declaration on how the access to the thesis should be handled. Print out the form, fill it out, sign it and return it in a PDF-form to Skemman as a separate document along with the thesis in step 2.  Many files can be uploaded but only one at a time.

Dewey Decimal Classification System – WebDewey

The Library supervises a national partnership subscription to WebDewey.

The Dewey Decimal Classificaton System is used in the library. See brochure.

Distance learning students

Those that are registered as distance learning students at the University of Iceland hold the same rights as other students of the University and an effort is made to provide them with comparable services. Distance learning students outside the capital region can have books sent to them by mail and the Library pays for postage one way. Requests for books can be sent to utlan (hja) or requested by telephone 525 5681. 

Document Delivery Services

The staff of the interlibrary loan department will photocopy or scan articles and book-chapters from the library collection. A library card is not needed to use this service. Document Delivery Services are fee based, see Fees.


The Library accepts donations which support the library collection and are in line with the Library‘s acquisition policy, for further information contact gjafir (hja)

EndNote - personal assistance

The National and University Library (NULI) offers personal assistance with EndNote to doctoral students. The assistance is for those who are using EndNote already but are having some problems with using the software, or have questions regarding its use. Booking is required. Please send an email to

Endnote Bibliographic Management Software

The University of Iceland holds an EndNote licence for students and staff. EndNote is a programme that assists in managing bibliographic citations, creating citations to texts and create bibliographies according to a specific standard.

The programme can be linked to Word and input citations and sources automatically into texts. EndNote saves much time and facilitates bibliographic works considerably. The programme works on both Windows and Mac operating systems. Instructions on installing.

EndNote introduction

The reference management software EndNote and the basics for how to manage bibliograpies and refrences in it introduced. Request for EndNote introduction.


Forms for different services of the Library.

Háma - Library café

The café is on the 2nd floor of the Library (in Þjóðarbókhlaða) is operated by Háma. The café offers a variety of food and drink. 

Information services, information searches

The specialists in information services provide assistance in information searches. Please contact upplys (hja), by telephone 525 5685 or stop by the service desk on the 2nd floor (see opening hours).

Instruction linked to specific projects

Instructions is available for all students of the University of Iceland at all times during their study time. This instruction should preferable be linked to project work in a particular course. The instruction can take place in the Library Main building or teachers can request that the presence of an information specialist be present in a classroom. Request for instruction linked to specific projects

ISBN - International Standard Books Number

The National and University Library administers and assigns international standard identification numbers in Iceland. The allocation of numbers are free of charge.

ISMN - International Standard Music Number

The National and University Library administers and assigns international standard identification numbers in Iceland. The allocation of numbers are free of charge.

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number

The National and University Library administers and assigns international standard identification numbers in Iceland. The allocation of numbers are free of charge.

Law Library in Lögberg

The Library of the Legal Department is located on 3rd floor of Lögberg, the building of the Legal Department. Further informationplease contact by email or by telephone 525 4372.

Legal deposits

The Staff of the Legal Deposit Department provides information on what material is covered by legal deposit legislation, printed material as well as digital and how deposits shall be delivered. For further information please contact by skylduskil (hja)


Guides for finding library materials, practical guides about submitting to Skemman or Opin vísindi, guides for international students, doctoral students and more.

Library card

Library cards are issued at the service desk on 2nd floor upon the presentation of an identification document with a photo and an Id-number. The library card is included in the registration of students at the University of Iceland, the staff of the University of Iceland  receive their library card for free, but others pay an annual fee according to Fees. International students at the University of Iceland need to fill out a request for the library card.

The library cards are issued to an individual and the owner of the card carries full responsibility of the material that he/she borrows. If an item is damaged or lost, the borrower must pay full value of the item. Further information by telephone 525 5681 or

List of subject headings in Gegnir

The Library keeps a thesaurus of Icelandic subject headings and an authority file of Icelandic personal names for Gegnir. The subject headings are based on a systematic subject heading list, with subsequent changes that have been accepted by the Subject Heading Committee. Suggestions on new subject heading can be sent to efnisordarad (hja)

Loans to the Reading Room of the Icelandic National Collection

The role of the Icelandic National Collection is to preserve all published Icelandic material. The works in the Icelandic National Collection are accessible to all for using in the Reading Room, and the librarian serving at the desk in the entrance hall finds those requested works.

For further questions and requests please contact by email islandssafn (hja) or by telephone 525 5630.

Locating journals

A complete catalogue of electronic journals in subscription. Furthermore, there is access to a variety of journals available through open access. One can search those by the title of the journal and by individual journal articles.

Manuscripts and private archives

It is possible to view manuscripts and private archives from the Manuscript Department of the National Library at the Reading Room on the 1st floor. Manuscripts are fetched from the security vault twice a day (at 9.30 and 13.30). Manuscripts and private archives are also accepted for preservation. In the Manuscript Department one can also request interlibrary loans from other manuscript-/archive collections, information services, photographs of documents in the Manuscript Department, introduction and instruction about the operations, history and the collection of the Manuscript Department. For further information and questions contact by email handrit (hja) or by telephone 525 5678.

Nationwide access to electronic subscriptions

Nationwide access to electronic subscriptions is one of the legal assignments of the Library. All electronic subscriptions are accessible through the portal
The administrator of the service is Birgir Björnsson. For questions and suggestions please contact by email hvar (hja) or by telephone 525 5711

Opening hours

Annual overview of opening hours

Opin vísindi, digital repository

Opin vísindi is an digital repository for peer-reviewed scientific publications and doctoral dissertations of all universities in Iceland. Instructions on how to deposit material into Open sciences. for further information please contact by email opinvisindi (hja) or by telephone 525 5685.


ORCID ID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher, and through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. With ORCID ID, different versions of the names of authors are all gathered together under one umbrella. The University of Iceland is a member of ORCID and encourages its staff to register for an ORCID ID. It´s required to submit content to the university´s Open Access repository Opin vísindi ( as well as to many of the world´s leading academic publishers. It´s quick and simple to register for an ORCID ID at

Orientation for new students

Working facilities and services available to students introduced as well as the main information channels. Discussion on the library website, the library´s collection of LibGuides and the union catalogue. Request for orientation

Other libraries of the University of Iceland

The Library operates a library for the Legal Department of the University of Iceland, located on the 3rd floor in Lögberg. The School of Education operates its own library in Stakkahlíð, and the Health Science Library of the National Hospital and the University of Iceland is located at Eirberg, the National Hospital by Hringbraut.

Passwords, registration for

Users select their own passwords on The password is used to sign in for „My pages“ in When users have registered they can renew material, look at their circulation history and reserve material. See: Our brochure on circulation.

PhD on Track

PhD on Track is a web resource aimed primarily at PhD candidates and early career researchers.

The aim is to enable easily access information on searching and reviewing scholarly literature, on academic writing, and on sharing and publishing reports and data.

PhD on Track is a joint project of the libraries of Oslo, Bergen and Aalborg universities, the NHH Library and the Bergen University College Library.

Photocopy and scan

On the 1st floor in the Icelandic National Collection: Staff makes photocopies of the library material for users and each page is paid for. See Fees

On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors there are photocopying machines as well as scanners. The users must have a copying card in order to use these machines. Those are sold at the service desk on 2nd floor. See Fees


It is possible to have a photocopy or a photograph from works in the Icelandic National Collection or the Manuscript Department. Requests are handled by the Library‘s photographer and a special attention is made on the preservation of the item. See Fees. For further information please contact by email islandssafn (hja) or by telephone 525 5630.


On the 2nd floor at the service desk: All printing from computers which general users have access to. Each page must be paid for, see Fees).  
On the 3rd floor: for students and staff of the University of Iceland. Black/white printing. Cost for printing is deducted from the printing quota in Ugla.

Rafhlaðan, digital repository

Rafhlaðan contains and provides access to published works by Icelanders in digital form.
One can submit digital material for preservation in Rafhlaðan through the web-portal of the Library .

Recall of material and fines

A reminder of the due date is usually sent out to the email address of the borrower. It is, however, entirely the responsibility of the borrower that material is returned on time. Users can renew their loans themselves by signing into

If items are not returned after the due date, a daily fine is collected according to Fees. The National and University Library sends out a recall letter twice after the due date. If the recall is unsuccessful, the items and sent for collection to Motus.

Refresher course linked to final theses

The course covers several practical points in information searching, handing of thesis into Skemman, etc. Send a request for a refresher course

Remote access / VPN connections

The databases subscribed to by the Library and the University of Iceland are only accessible on the University Network. If a computer is not linked to the University Network, access can be denied. Staff and students of the University can access the data outside the University Network through VPN connection. See

Renewal of loans

Loans can be renewed for up to six times if no other borrower is waiting for that material. By signing into, the borrowers can renew their loans.

Renting a classroom

The classroom is on 3rd floor and holds 20 seats.

Renting a locker

The Library holds 144 lockers. Most of the lockers are for guests that use the Library regularly and wish to store their documents from day to day for a longer period of time, up to one semester. The keys are given at the service desk on the 2nd floor against the presentation of a library card and the payment of a security deposit, see Fees . The security deposit is returned when the key is returned. On 2nd floor there are lockers that are rented for a shorter period, 1-2 days. Further information can be found in a brochure which is available in the Library or by email utlan (hja)

Renting a private study room

On the 3rd and 4th floor there are 26 private study rooms which are mainly intended for scholars, students working on advanced university degrees or others that are working on special assignments and need to use the material in the Library. One can apply for a study room on special form (see rules on Allocations and Charges and fees).

Renting the lecture hall

Applications to rent the lecture hall on the 2nd floor in the building (Þjóðarbókhlaða) see Fees. The lecture hall offers equipment and facilities for lectures and gatherings and has seats for 80 people.

Request instruction in information search

Information specialists offer short instruction in information searching. Please contact information services by email upplys (hja) or by telephone 525 5685 or stop by the service desk on 2nd floor and get some good advice on information searching.

Request interlibrary loan

The Library provides the users with books and journal articles from other libraries. Informations on how users order books and articles are in the LibGuide Interlibrary loans. The Library is also a national centre for interlibrary loans, provides guidance for interlibrary loans between Icelandic libraries and it is also the library that foreign libraries should turn their requests to for interlibrary loans from Iceland. Further information and questions please contact by email upplys (hja) or by telephone 525 5732. See brochure.


In order to make a reservation of material, the borrower must be signed in to

Skemman, digital repository

Skemman is a digital repository of final theses of all Icelandic Universities. Doctoral dissertations of students at the University of Iceland are depositied in the Open access repository Opin vísindi. Some departments have set special rules on the access to the final theses and the students are advised to familiarize themselves with the working rules or other guidelines on the final thesis in their department.

According to Article 54, in the regulation for the University of Iceland no 569/2009 a student who plans to graduate from the University of Iceland shall hand in a digital copy of his/her final thesis into Skemman.

Guidelines on depositing thesis to Skemman.

Further information and assistance is available at hi (hja)


Study facilities

The Library (Þjóðarbókhlaðan) offers first class working facilities for students.

Subject specific introduction for first year students

Introduction is offered to facilities and services available to students, along with the most common information channels. The introduction covers search techniques,, LibGuides, and the web of the National and University Library. The instruction also emphasizes the students’ special study fields and the main databases in those fields are introduced. This instruction can be customized in collaboration with instructors. Request for introduction

Submissions to Opin vísindi Repository

Doctoral students can hand in an electronic copy of their doctoral dissertation into the repository Opin vísindi repository, see guidelines. Doctoral dissertations must have an ISBN number. Application for ISBN number for doctoral thesis.


For preventing plagiarism and providing feedback to students. The software Turnitin supports the feedback of teachers to students concerning scholarly writing, references and use of sources. The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has signed a contract on the use of Turnitin in Icelandic secondary schools and universities until the year 2020, and the Library is in charge of the fulfilment of the contract. Hilma Gunnarsdóttir is the project manager for Turnitin and Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir specialist in university teaching at the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Iceland is in charge of the Icelandic access to Turnitin. The Library holds regular information meetings on Turnitin for teachers and students.

Visiting the Library

Book a visit for your group. Introduction to the history of the Library, the role, library materials and organization.

Women's History Archives

The Women's History Archives provides information on Icelandic women's history. It also lends out private archives in its possession. For further information and requests please contact by email kvennasogusafn (hja) or by telephone 525 5779.




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