Library websites

The Library is involved in many projects, both individually and in cooperation with others. Here are links to a few websites that are related to the library:

Digital collections

Bæ Icelandic books prior to 1870. Union catalogue of Icelandic manuscripts in three collections: National and University Library of Iceland, The Árni Magnússon Institute and Arnamagnæanske Samling.
Icelandic maps Digital copies of old maps of Iceland and a summary of map history.
The Sound Archive Music and other sound recordings preserved by the Library. /Periodicals and journals Digital reproduction of Icelandic, Faroese and Greenlandic newspapers and journals.


Authority file Thesaurus of personal names, corporate names, geographic names and subject terms from Gegnir's authority file.
Bibliography A bibliography of Icelandic works published before 1844.
Catalogue of Icelandic publications Catalogue of material published in Iceland with statistics. Web of the Icelandic Consortium for electronic subscriptions which provides nationwide access to databases and e-journals.
IRIS The Icelandic Research Information System. It shows the research activities of Icelandic institutions participating in the consortium across the country.
Ísmús Database on Icelandic musical- and cultural heritage. Sound recordings, photographs, movies, manuscripts and texts. Integrated search portal which searches many digital databases at a time, including union online catalogue of Icelandic libraries.
LibGuides Guides about references in certain fields of study, reference searching and other helpful tips.
Open science Collection of research products and doctoral theses in open access by Icelandic universities from 2016.
Rafhlaðan A digital repository containing digital material acquired through legal deposits.
Skemman Digital repository of theses of Icelandic universities (baccalaureate and masters theses).
The Icelandic web archive Collection of websites from the national domain .is
Translations of the Icelandic Sagas List of translations of the Icelandic Sagas and Acts, Eddaic poems, Sagas of bishops, Mythic-heroic Sagas, and Sagas of kings.


Informative websites

Centre for Oral History A collection of research and educational centre in the field of oral history.
Hallgrimur Pétursson About the poet Hallgrimur Pétursson and his Hymns of Passion.
Icelandic Music Library A collection on Icelandic music, musical culture and musical artefacts.
Jón Árnason Jón Árnason and his folklore.
Jónas Hallgrímsson A website for the national poet, Jónas Hallgrímsson.
Manual for cataloguers A manual for bibliographic cataloguing into the union catalogue of libraries. A website on open access
Theatre Museum of Iceland The Theatre Museum preserves and disseminates knowledge about Icelandic performing arts history.
Women and Politics Dedicated to the history of women‘s suffrage in Iceland.
Women´s History Archives The mission of the Archives is to collect, register and preserve records of the history of Icelandic women as well as women in Iceland. It acts as a centre for the dissemination of information about the history of women, helps find sources in this area, and encourages research on women‘s history.


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