A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

On print plate making in Iceland

Exhibition in the National Library

11.05.2020 - 31.12.2020

An exhibition on different methods of print plate making at the National and University Library, is dedicated to print plate maker Ólafur Hvanndal [1879- 1954]. Hvanndal was in the forefront of changes in the printing industry in Iceland, changes that were no less important than the beginning of printing with the use of movable type. The exhibition is part of the research project Icelandic Visual Language, where Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon (Goddur) research professor at the Iceland University of the Arts and Unnar Örn visual artist focus on the use of imagery in the history of printing in Iceland from 1844-1944.
The project is supported by Rannís, The Icelandic Centre for Research and is a collaboration between the Iceland University of the Arts, the National and University Library of Iceland and the Museum of Design and Applied Art. Goddur gave a lecture at the library on this occasion on Wednesday 24 June at 12:10. The exhibition is open until 31 December 2020.


Previous exhibitions

Hringurinn, a Women’s Society in Reykjavík 120th anniversary

Exhibition in the National Library

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Stríðsárin 1938-1945 (finished)

Stríðsárin 1938-1945 (finished)

Exhibition in the National Library

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Exhibition in the National Library

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Book donation of mathematician Hermann Kjartansson

Book donation of mathematician Hermann Kjartansson

Exhibition in the National Library

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