The May Star Poetry Award 2021

awarded to Haukur Ingvarsson for his book Menn sem elska menn

Exhibition in the National Library

18.05.2022 - 18.09.2022

The National and University Library of Iceland in cooperation with The Writers´ Union of Iceland awards a prize for a book of poetry published in the year 2021. The prize, entitled the May Star Poetry Award, was presented for the sixth time at a ceremony at the National Library on 18 May.

The May Star Poetry Award 2021 was awarded to Haukur Ingvarsson for his book Menn sem elska menn (Men Who Love Men).

The jury's comment on the award book states:
In Menn sem elska menn, Haukur Ingvarsson writes about a heavy body and a suspended spirit, about the gravity of the universe, love, which binds the materials and keeps the sun on track. With clever imagery, the poet looks around the world from the dark depths of the sea to the vast expanses of space, but reflections on the footprints of a very thin shell over the depths raise suspicions about a surface that can break at any time. The poems contain a dense web of references to Icelandic literature over the centuries, which expands their field of meaning. The book's most pressing subjects and purposeful symbols concern love, friendship, and masculinity. The poet encourages us to dive into the immeasurable depths of words and teach and meet in the spirit. Menn sem elska menn is a book that calls for repeated reading and rewards those who do so. "

An exhibition of the awarded book and earlier works by the prize winner was opened on this occasion.


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