Narrating Memories with Þórarinn Eldjárn (closed)

Exhibition in the National Library

Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Opening of the exhibition and presentation of the book: Narrating memories with Þórarinn Eldjárn: 19th of september 2013 at 3-5 pm.

The exhibition “Narrating memories with Þórarni Eldjárn” shows the initial results of the first workshop in Iceland within project Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. This research focuses on non-pharmacological therapies for the Alzheimer’s disease and originates from the Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca in Murcia, Spain.

The Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: “Narrating memories with Þórarinn Eldjárn” was organized by the Association of families of Alzheimer’s patients and related diseases (FAAS) and the Dementia Unit at the National Hospital of Iceland. The workshop took place at the National Library of Iceland and enjoyed the collaboration of the well-known author, Þórarinn Eldjárn and 14 students from the Drawing Department at The Reykjavík School of Visual Arts.

Among the objectives of this collaboration is to open up the debate on Alzheimer’s disease and find out how narrating memories can join the scientific investigation and qualitative evaluation.

Photos: Bjarni Einarsson and Örn Ingi.

The exhibition is open until 25 November.

Exhibition pamphlet (PDF).

For further information about the workshop and about the research project in general please visit:


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