The telephone directory 1905-2016

Exhibition in the National Library

A small exhibition on the history of the publication of the telephone directory has been set up in the library in June 2016. The first directory was published on the 15th of August 1905 by the Reykjavík Telephone Corporation. The corporation was established in 1904 and telephone users were 20 in March 1905 when a telephone station was opened. When the directory was published in August telephone numbers were 145.  In January 1906 when a supplement was published the numbers were up to 173. Now, in the year 2016, the usage of the telephone directory has decreased and users mostly rely on when looking for telephone numbers. To commemorate this the telephone directory was published for the last time in a ceremonial edition which contains a historical overview written by Stefán Pálsson. The exhibiton closed 18 of September.


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