Helena Eyjólfsdóttir sings Silent Night

This 78 rpm record was published by Íslenskir tónar in 1954. It contains Helena Eyjólfsdóttir singing two Christmas carols, accompanied by organist Páll Ísólfsson. It is recorded in mono by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.

The record was produced in Norway at AS Nera in Oslo.

There are two songs on the record: Silent Night by Franz Gruber, Icelandic text by Sveinbjörn Egilsson and A child was born in Bethlehem, a danish folk song, text by Valdimar Briem.

Helena Eyjólfsdóttir was only 12 years old when this record was made and her bright voice was justifiably acclaimed. These recordings and many more are now accessible in the Sound Library of The National and University Library of Iceland: http://hljodsafn.landsbokasafn.is/

Bjarki Sveinbjörnsson from the  Tónlistarsafn Íslands (Icelandic Music Library) copied to digital format.

Silent Night by Franz Gruber, text by Sveinbjörn Egilsson:


A child was born in Bethlehem,a danish folk song, text by Valdimar Briem:


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