Sound recordings and moving pictures

Through legal deposit, the Library receives sound recordings, meaning any type of medium which preserves recordings of speech or sound, such as audio files, recordings, sound cassettes, compact disks and audio books. This material is preserved in the Library’s Audio-visual Department, the Library’s electronic depository.

Deposit of music

Material produced in a tangible form, such as on records, CDs or sound cassettes, shall be delivered in three copies. Those can be delivered by mail or submitted at the service desk of the Library, marked “Legal deposit”.
If material is published in electronic form, a copy of the files is handed in or copying access is made available from the Internet service provider.
The duty of deposit rests with the publisher.
All questions on digital deposits of music shall be directed to hljodogmyndsafn (at)

Deposit of audio books

If an audio book is published on a CD or on another tangible form, then three copies of the book shall be submitted. Those may be delivered by mail or by handing them over at the Library’s service desk, marked “Audio-visual Department”.

If an audio book is published in electronic form, a copy of its files should be deposited through the digital box, or by providing a copying access to the files from the Internet service provider.

If there are many files and/or files that are larger than 8GB the material may be delivered through other means such as through sky-services such as WeTransfer, Dropbox, etc.

The duty of deposit rests with the publisher.

All questions on electronic deposits of audio books shall be directed to skylduskil(at)

Deposit of moving pictures

The Icelandic Film Archive (Kvikmyndasafn Íslands) receives the legal deposit copies of moving pictures.


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