Victoria Ann Cribb – a translator of Icelandic literature into English

Exhibition in the National Library

Victoria Ann Cribb is a prolific translator with a keen interest in Icelandic literature and language. Victoria is currently completing a doctorate in ancient Icelandic from Cambridge University. She has translated books by Sjón, Arnaldur Indriðason, Andri Snær Magnason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Gyrðir Elíasson and Torfi Tulinius, to name a few authors. In September 2017, Victoria Ann Cribb, along with Eric Boury, received the honors of translators of Icelandic literature - Orðstír 2017.


Previous exhibitions
Hafsteinn Guðmundsson (finished)

Hafsteinn Guðmundsson (finished)

Exhibition in the National Library

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Ingólfur Guðbrandsson

Ingólfur Guðbrandsson

Exhibition in the National Library

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