The Russian revolution in 1917 and its impact on Iceland

Exhibition in the National Library

The Russian Revolution in 1917 is one of the most dramatic events of the 20th century and it had a profound influence on polit­ics around the world. It was a series of uprisings in Russi­a that first led to the collapse of the dictatorship of the Russian empero­­r, but then to the taking power of soviets under the contro­­l of the Bolsheviks.  The so-called October Revolution began in Tallinn on October 23, 1917, but two days later in St. Petersburg (October 25 or Novem­ber 7th according to our calendar). The reports in Iceland about the Russian revolutio­­n were at first very few, as World War I was in full swing.  On March 17, 1917, a brief report in Morgun­bladid revealed that the Russian emperor had dropped power and was a prisoner of the parlia­ment. On 20 March, there was a detailed article in the paper that discussed the revolution in Russia positively. The newspaper Visir said on November 8 that there were seriou­­s conflicts between the Russian government and “Maximalists” (Bolsheviks). A larger article appeared in the newspaper on Novembe­­r 10, which said that Bolsheviks had taken full power over telephones, news agencies, banks and other institutions, and Lenin had become a monarch. A small exhibition has been set up in the library about the Russian Revolution.

The exhibition closes 19 February 2018.

On you can see Icelandic books connected to the Russian Revolution:

Ávarp til ungra alþýðumanna in the edition of Fjelag ungra kommúnista:

Landsbankinn og bolchevisminn by Árni Árnason:

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