First encounter

Exhibition in the National Library

In 1925, rare visitors came to Ísafjörður, almost 90 Greenlanders. The exhibition discusses how this visit originated from the Danes and Norwegians' disputes over control over part of East Greenland, how the guests were welcomed in Ísafjörður, the attention the visit raised and what significance it had for the relations between the nations. The exhibition is a collaborative project of the National and University Library of Iceland, the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute, the University of Iceland and the Museum House in Ísafjörður. The largest part of the exhibition is in Veröld – the House of Vigdís, but another part in the National and University Library of Iceland where, among other things, you can see books, articles on Greenland and Greenlanders in magazines and photographs.


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