Measles, peculiar people and William Faulkner - Presentation of three new publications compiled from the collection of manuscripts in the National and University Library of Iceland


On Tuesday 14 December, three recent publications will be presented in the Library, which are made to a greater or lesser extent from the collections of the manuscript collection of the National and University Library of Iceland.

Historian Marín Árnadóttir tells about the collection of essays Þættir af sérkennilegi fólki (Tales of peculiar people)  which is the 28th volume in the series Sýnisbók íslenskrar alþýðumenningar. It deals with people who lived on the fringes of Icelandic society in various ways in the past.

Historian Erla Dóris Halldórsdóttir discusses her book Mislingar (Measles), in which she tells the story of measles in Iceland, the people who had to deal with the disease and its consequences.

Haukur Ingvarsson, a literary critic, tells about the book Fulltrúi þess besta í bandarískri menningu (Representative of the best in American culture). It describes the influence of the American writer and Nobel laureate William Faulkner on cultural and political life in Iceland in the middle of the twentieth century.

The presentation will be chaired by Bragi Þorgrímur Ólafsson, director of the manuscript collection.

The event takes place in the lecture hall of the National Library at 12-13. The books will be available at a promotional price.

The presentation will be in Icelandic. Welcome!



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