An exhibition of Snorri Hjartarson´s poetry



Inn á græna skóga [Into the green woods] – an exhibition of Snorri Hjartarson´s poetry

At four o´clock on Friday the 22nd of April an exhibition of Snorri Hjartarson´s poetry was opened in the library. On the same occasion the publishing house Forlagið celebrated the publication of Hjartarsons´s  3rd edtion of his Poetry Collection.  

Many were present at the opening where Páll Valsson handed over to the National and University Library some of Hjartarson´s manuscripts. The Neskirkja Church Choir sang a song by Hugi Guðmundsson, „Hvíld“[Rest], with lyrics by Hjartarson and Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir sang a new song by Þorvaldur Gylfason, „Vor“[Spring],, with another verse by Snorri with the assistance of Guðrún Dalía Salómonsdóttir on piano.

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, former president of Iceland, delivered a speech and opened the exhibition and a web presenting Hjartarson´s poetry.

In the exhibition his poetic gems are highlighted. Guests of the library are met by his poems in the corridors and they can also sit comfortably with a tablet in the exhibition area and listen to the poems read by Gunnar Þorsteinsson, translator and broadcaster.



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