The Icelandic Literary Society 200 years

Exhibition in the National Library


The Icelandic Literary Society celebrated its bicentennial in 2016. On Thursday May 12th an exhibition opened at the National and University Library of Iceland. The exhibition was made in collaboration between the Literary Society and the National and University Library of Iceland.

The Icelandic Literary Society was founded in 1816 and can trace its origins back to the last decades of the 18th century – the Age of Enlightenment – and in particular to the Icelandic Society for the Advancement of Learning (Hið íslenska lærdómslistafélag). The latter was founded in 1779 and was formally merged with the Icelandic Literary Society in 1818.

The Literary Society has thus existed for two centuries. It has published books more suited for cultural than economical benefits. The Literary Society is the publisher of Skírnir, the magazine of the Literary Society and the book series Lærdómsrit that has introduced fundamental world known scientific works. Moreover, the Literary Society has published numerous books in various fields of culture and scholarship in accordance with the Society's purpose. The Literary Society has always put particular attention to the history of Iceland, the Icelandic language and literature, and also to connect Iceland to the best of education and science in other countries.

The exhibition is open until 1 May 2017.

Exhibition brochure (PDF, 218K)


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