A New Collection of the works of Einar Már Gudmundsson published in Denmark

Exhibition in the National Library

The publishers of Einar Már Gudmundsson in Denmark, Lindhardt and Ringhof, recently gave to the library a new collection of his work, in Danish translation. A small exhibition was set up at the Library in January 2017. Closed 21 September 2017.



Previous exhibitions
Hallgrímur Pétursson (finished)

Hallgrímur Pétursson (finished)

Exhibition in the National Library

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Christmas is coming - Idą święta

Christmas is coming - Idą święta

Exhibition in the National Library

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Hringurinn, a Women’s Society in Reykjavík 120th anniversary

Hringurinn, a Women’s Society in Reykjavík 120th anniversary

Exhibition in the National Library

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Byggðasaga Skagafjarðar, I.­–X.

Byggðasaga Skagafjarðar, I.­–X.

Exhibition in the National Library

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