What is legal depost?


There‘s a law in Iceland that dictates that all published materials such as music, books, magazines, newspapers, advertisment pamplets and more should be deposited to the National and University Library of Iceland through legal deposit. Movies, Radio and TV materials are to be deposited to the National Film Archive of Iceland. The purpose is to make sure that these materials are preserved as part of our cultural heritage and that they are accessible to the public. 

So for example every book that‘s published is to be deposited to the library and in every published form whether it is in print, as an ebook or as an audiobook. The same applies for music that‘s perhaps published on a streaming service but also on vinyl or CD.

This does not mean that we only collect books by famous authors, music by famous artists or well and long established magazines and newspapers. We collect everything. So if you or someone you know have ever published a book, had a hand in publishing a magazine or a newspaper or made and published music on a streaming service or on a physical medium then perhaps we have a copy of your work but perpahs not. If the library does not then we would very much want a copy of your work to ensure preservation of it.

Want to know more? You can read more about legal deposit on our website or contact our staff through email – skylduskil@landsbokasafn.is.   



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