Interlibrary loans

Summer closure

The interlibrary loan service will be closed in July 2024.

Requests received during this period will be processed after the library reopens on August 6, 2024. Books on loan will be renewed until August 6 unless recalled.

Materials received can be retrieved from the service desk on the 2nd floor until July 19, 2024.

The Library provides to its users with books and journal articles from other university and research libraries. Please note that books are not borrowed from the Reykjavik Public Library or public libraries in the Reykjavík area. The Library of the Parliament and the libraries of government ministries lend books only to their reading rooms. Books accessible in the library are not circulated through interlibrary loans except to other libraries.

Informations on how to order books and articles are in the LibGuide Interlibrary loans.

Waiting period and return date

The waiting period can vary from a few days to several weeks, depending on the material. Generally, the waiting period for an article is a few days and a minimum of one week for books. The loan period for books borrowed from a foreign library is usually three to four weeks. Teachers and staff of the University of Iceland receive articles via internal mail, but students and other users must pick up the articles from the circulation desk. All users must collect books from the service desk on 2nd floor.

Fees for interlibrary loans

Refer to the libary's fee structure for the cost of interlibrary loans. The cost of materials for teaching and research of staff members of the University of Iceland is charged to the account of the department, institution, or research topic and is collected twice a year. Invoices for companies and institutions are sent out quarterly.


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